Unlocking Your Market Potential

Why you need us for International Expansion
Whereas your company has been successful in providing services and product to a local market, what has worked for you at home needs to be repositioned for a spearhead approach to a new market - different cultural perspectives, customer expectations, established competitors, and the need to support activities in a new location far from your home base.

Kemarra Inc. believes that being located in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley provides crucial added value to the services that companies outside of this region need - a local presence that can provide the awareness of what it takes to be a success here, and the contacts and close proximity to cost effectively run targeted sales programs locally and provide ongoing support.

We rely on our international partners to provide that same capability in their own home markets. With our relationships with consulting companies abroad that mirror our services, we work as a global team and provide seamless support for our clients world-wide.

Here's a short article on international business expansion that explains our philosophy.